Monday, March 30, 2009

Simple Pleasures on a Rainy Day

The Boy took over the laundry basket today. It was by turns a boat, Daddy's truck and a bath tub. The difficulty was that he can't sit in it and push it. (And I'm not volunteering.) He can, however, tip over and thump his head in it.

As the morning wore on, it became a storage locker. Now there is a water bottle, a dish towel/blankie, a soft block, a book and "coupons." During his nap, I cleaned it all out. After the nap, there was a certain amount of grumbling as he toddled around the house re-collecting every single thing I had put away. Good recall, anyway.

A missed photo opportunity today: Myles shuffling through the kitchen in my shoes, carrying a "purse" and Didi the baby doll. Couldn't get to the camera fast enough. That would have made a great shot to show his first prom date. Or if he decides to do something foolish, like run for public office.

Monday, March 23, 2009

Window Washing

Finally, I had the energy to wash the refried beans off the kitchen window and the dog schmertz off the back door. Myles helped the best way he knows how. (See photo.)

Sneezing this morning five times. One right after the other. After the second ker-choo he smiled up and asked, "Moh? Moh?"

In the past couple weeks he's begun comparing and contrasting. Things he has learned:

Dogs don't brush their teeth, but they do blink.
Everyone he knows has a butt, but lawnmowers don't.
Helicopters are way better than single prop airplanes.

From the back seat of the car I hear, "BIIIIIIG TRUCK! tiny truck. BIIIIG BUS! tiny bus."
But today it was, "Uncle [Gareth] tiny butt. Daddy tiny butt. Mama BIIIIIG butt!" Thanks, kid.